Project News
Pilot Implementation
The watershed team has published its recommendations for the Paint Creek watershed. For more information, visit the watershed team page.
Cherokee National Forest Recommendations Final Report
The Cherokee National Forest Recommendations Final Report along with all its appendixes has been uploaded below. The public comment period closed on Nov. 11, 2011. The committee has made appropriate changes to the final report and a master comment response document was sent to everyone who submitted comments. The final report is posted on this web site for download (see below) and viewing copies are also available at the Watauga and Unaka District Offices of the Cherokee National Forest:
Unaka Ranger District
4900 Asheville Highway
Greeneville TN 37743
(423) 638-4109
Watauga Ranger District
4400 Unicoi Drive
Unicoi TN 37692
(423) 735-1500
This report has been prepared by members of the Cherokee National Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative and contains recommendations to the Cherokee National Forest for how to restore the forest to a more resilient condition. For information about the project, please see the Frequently Asked Questions document and the Case statement on the home page.
Cherokee National Forest Recommendations Final Report
- CNFLRI Steering Committee Recommendations to the Forest Service for the North Zone of the Cherokee National Forest (PDF)
- Appendix A. Model Runs Workbook - 20 Years (PDF)
- Appendix A. Model Runs Workbook - 50 Years (PDF)
- Appendix B. Management Strategies Workbook (PDF)
- Appendix C. Maps of Ecological Systems for the CNF North Zone (1) (PDF)
- Appendix C. Maps of Ecological Systems for the CNF North Zone (2) (PDF)
- Appendix D. S-Class Distribution by Current LMP Management Prescription (PDF)
- Appendix E. Implementation Analysis Map (PDF)
- Appendix E. Implementation Analysis (PDF)
- Appendix F. An Explanation of Timber Sale Contracts (PDF)
- Appendix G. An Explanation of Watershed Condition Framework (PDF)
- Appendix H. LANDFIRE BpS Model Allegheny-Cumberland Dry Oak Forest And Woodland (PDF)
- Appendix H. LANDFIRE BpS Model Cove Forest (PDF)
- Appendix H. LANDFIRE BpS Model Dry Mesic Oak (PDF)
- Appendix H. LANDFIRE BpS Model Montane_Northern Red Oak-Chestnut Oak (PDF)
- Appendix H. LANDFIRE BpS Model Spruce Fir (PDF)
- Appendix H. LANDFIRE BpS Models Riparian - SA Northern Hardwoods (PDF)
- Appendix H. LANDFIRE BpS Models SA Montane Pine - SA Low Elevation Pine (PDF)
- Appendix I. Description of Ecological Systems Vegetation Classes for CNF (PDF)
- Appendix J. Biophysical Settings in the North Zone of the Cherokee National Forest (PDF)
- Appendix K. Crosswalk between Ecological Zones and BpS Ecological Systems and FS Veg Forest Type (PDF)
Responses to Public Comment
Cherokee National Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative
Comment Response Document